Table of Contents

1 University Projects

1.1 Brief

I joined Singapore University of Technology and Design in May 2013. Each term is roughly 4 months long. We have multiple projects per term and I am listing the ones that I enjoyed the most. As you will see, I omitted any projects from Term 1; I don't think those are very interesting. I'm currently in Term 8. This term will end in Aug 2016.

1.2 Capstone (Term 7 - 8)

Interactive Animatronics Dragon
  • Designing an interactive dragon for social interaction and public display.
  • Researching extensively for adequate features which will increase interactivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Dragon has motion detection which it uses determine its behavior.
  • Dragon has its own ad-hoc network system which is secured. Movement of the dragons are controlled by servos.
  • Each movable sections have a raspberry pi which is connected to the servos.
  • Different sections communicate via the network.
  • The dragon's output behavior is modelled as a state machine.
  • For a specific group of input it will have choose a set of ouputs (determined probabilistically) from a set of outputs.
  • The dragon iterates through multiple states depending on the input it receives.
  • The team consists of six members over 3 different pillars:
    1. Architecutre and Sustainable Design
    2. Engineering and Product Development
    3. Information Systems Technology and Design
  • The project started and will end in August 2016; the same time when I will finish my studies.

For regular updates please follow our blog:

1.3 Term 6

Online Bookstore
  • Created a book keeping system for a simple bookstore using Ruby on Rails.
  • Database structure were written natively in PostgreSQL then synchronized with Rails.
  • Queries were also written natively for complex output across multiple tables.
  • Bookstore suggested a sequence of the next five books when a particular book is purchased.
  • Bookstore viewed the statistics of all purchases for a given month as chosen by user and others.


Sequence Labeling System
  • Applied Hidden Markov Model to label sequence of words in an informal texts.
  • Used Viterbi Algoritm to run HMM over medium sized data set.
  • Achieved an accuracy of 56% based on a slightly altered transition parameters.

1.4 Term 5

  • Built a concurrent multiplayer game using LibGDX.
  • Used Google Play services api to identify players on the server.
  • Graphics and functionality of the game was built from ground up.
  • Synchronized LibGDX with native android framework for play services.
  • The players who taps the fastest and utilizes powerups to throw the opponent of stage wins.


1.5 Term 4

  • Constructed an ALU using basic logic gates.
  • Designed and built a prototype of an electronic hardware game using NI Multisim.
  • Used the ALU along with other gates to design the multiplayer game.
  • A sample circuit diagram is provided below.


  • Created a travel app for Android which gives a best route depending on user choice.
  • The algorithm takes into account of the budget a user has and gives the best routes accordingly.
  • The routes can suggest you to walk to destination, take a bus, or a cab.
  • The team also implemented a location identifier (the framework was provided) based on pictures.

1.6 Term 3

Milk Delivery System using Amigobot
  • Programmed an amigobot using Python to navigate a maze for delivering milk.
  • Performed several test simulation on different levels before attempting the real world maze.
  • Debugged extensively during real world deployment as it was very different from test scenario.
  • A simulation is provided below.


The actual maze looks like this:

1.7 Term 2

Primary Energy @ Home
  • Collaborated in a team of 5 to design a product which uses renewable energy (solar energy) to heat water by storing heat in concrete.
  • Performed extensive research for finding out fresh new ideas for prototypes.
  • Conducted surveys for customer feedback to improve or implement new ideas in the product.
  • Developed several different prototypes and performed experiments to finalize the required traits.
  • Finalized a working prototype which heats up water by 3-5 using heat stored from the concrete for 3-4 hours after sunset.
  • Analyzed existing products and conducted surveys for a better design.
  • Fabricated a new design for a clothes dryer working in a team of 5.
  • Built a prototype of the product in one week; theSi product detected weather changes and automatically retrieved clothes from the balcony to keep them dry and vice-versa.

For more info:

Note: The site only has my university projects as of now. I'll add my interests, photography, possible blog, and many more.

PS: The site was made with limited time. It will be updated to look better. Jekyll will also be used later on.

2 Courses Taken

Term 1
Advanced Math 1 (10.001)
Physics 1 (10.002)
Chemistry 1 (10.003)
World Civilisations 1 (02.001)
Term 2
Advanced Math 2 (10.004)
Physics 2 (10.005)
Introduction to Design (03.007)
World Civilisations 2 (02.002)
Term 3
Modeling the Systems World (10.007)
Engineering in the Physical Wolrd (10.008)
The Digital World (10.009)
Introduction to Biology (10.010)
Term 4
Introduction to Information Systems (50.001)
Computation Structures (50.002)
Introduction to Algorithms (50.004)
Film Studies: History, Theory and Practice (02.103)
Term 5
Introduction to Probability and Statistics (01.001)
Elements of Software Construction (50.003)
Computer System Engineering (50.005)
Organizations and People (02.207)
Term 6
Networks (50.012)
Machine Learning (50.007)
Database (50.008)
Global Shakespeare (02.115)
Term 7
Security (50.020)
Networked Life (01.104)
Capstone 1 (01.400)
Film Studies 2: Production (02.118)
Term 7
Artificial Intelligence (50.021)
Foundations of Game Design and Development (50.033)
Capstone 2 (01.401)
Question of Being (02.121)

Author: Ahnaf Siddiqi

Created: 2016-02-13 Sat 02:06

Emacs 24.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
